There are many congregations or ministries in the A-OK Synod. There are churches that are over 100 years old with beautiful stained glass and organs that will fill the sanctuary with glorious music. There are some that have music that will please a more modern ear. We have a congregation in Tulsa that holds its services in Spanish. One group meets twice a month in a pub for group discussion and a dinner church that meets weekly in a different restaurant.
Wherever you go, the message of God's abundant love and radical grace in Jesus Christ is there for you! If you would like to find a congregation near you, contact the synod office at 918-492-4288 or click the button below.

Rev. Becca Middeke-Conlin
Bishop, AR-OK
Rev. Peter Olson
Director of Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop
Sara Richers
Office Manager
Krista Feierabend
Communications Director
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