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Writer's pictureKrista Feierabend

2021 Synod Assembly Tshirt Fundraiser

Because we can't gather and be together this year for the 2021 Synod Assembly we decided to put together and online fundraising campaign with the new 2021 Synod Assembly logo. The hope is to wear during the meeting (if you want) while also benefitting the Synod Assembly Offering.

Our goal is to sell 50 TSHIRTS! Shirts come in 3 colors (white, gray, teal) will be sold for $25 each. This campaign will run for the next 2 weeks.



Only registered voting members will be admitted into the Zoom Assembly. All voting members must be registered in advance by their congregation. If you have not sent the emails of your voting members to Ida McAllister ( please do so ASAP. You will not be admitted to our online registration until that is complete.

Visitors and guest are invited to view the proceedings of the Assembly via Facebook Live.


This year’s Assembly offering will be divided between:

Founded in 2007, the vision of the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation in Tulsa is to transform the bitterness and mistrust caused by years of racial division and violence into a hopeful future of reconciliation and cooperation for Tulsa and the nation.

In the spirit of John Hope Franklin (1915-2009), American historian and educator noted for his scholarly reappraisal of the American Civil War era and the importance of the black struggle in shaping modern American identity, the Center puts God’s grace in motion by promoting reconciliation and generating trust through scholarly work and constructive community engagement. During this year when we mark the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre we support the work of the Center. A number of ELCA members from Prince of Peace in Tulsa were instrumental in founding the Center and continue to be involved in its leadership.

During this year of COVID-19, the ELCA World Hunger appeal has supported critical food ministries both domestically and internationally as the economic impact of the pandemic has made it difficult for many people to adequately feed themselves and their families.

Domestically, the Hunger Appeal accompanies and assists ELCA congregations, social ministry organizations and grassroots community-based nonprofits that address poverty, hunger and related social justice issues. Several congregations in our synod have received grants to help support their food programs. Working together our offerings help put God’s grace in motion by helping to feed and support hungry people at home and abroad.

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