Synodically Authorized Ministry Team Training Begins
Another round of Synodically Authorized Ministry Team (SAMT) Training will begin Thursday, September 12 from 7-9 PM. SAMTs are teams of three members of a congregation that is not being served by a called pastor who provide leadership for the congregation under the supervision of a pastor. SAMTs often serve in places where we cannot find pastors to preach, preside and provide pastoral care even on an occasional basis. In addition to SAMTs, individuals are welcome to join these classes too. SAMT training consists of five 10 week “modules” (worship, preaching, spiritual care, outreach and evangelism, and parish administration) led by Bishop Mike over two years. All classes are taught online using “Zoom” and require participants to have access to the Internet and a device which has video and audio capabilities. If you are close to Tulsa, you are welcome to participate “in person” at the Lutheran Ministry Center (you just need to let Bishop Mike know). In September, we will begin with the Worship Leadership module. Watch for more details about the Worship Leadership Module in next week’s Weekly News! Each module costs $75/person and also requires the purchase of a few books (or a maximum of $225/congregation). But, if the cost is an issue, please talk with Bishop Mike! If you are interested in forming a SAMT for your congregation, or would like more information, please give Bishop Mike a call. 405-313-7268. To register for the first module, please call Ida at the synod office. 918-492-4288.
Connect Your Youth to Campus Ministry!
Our Campus Ministries love to reach out to current and incoming students to invite them into their communities and activities -- but they need contact information. If you know students who are attending or entering the following Universities please send their information (name, email, phone number) to the following:
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK
Pastor Sally Houck 405 334-3432
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK –
Pastor Joseph Summerville: 405.321.1584
Deacon Donna Summerville: 405.321.1584
The Neighborhood Church in Bentonville AR
Dean Nessan (Wartburg) and The Neighborhood Church have worked to line out a course from our conversation at the Synod Assembly. We are looking to engage 4-5 churches in participating in the pilot course, here are the details...
Course Topic: Engaging the Holy Spirit In the NT
Dates: Sept 8th - Oct 13 (6 weeks)
Days: Sundays 5-7pm
Professor: Troy Troftgruben with guest Professor Nate Frambach
Course Topics in the works...Who is the Spirit and What Does the Spirit Do? (Basic Intro)What Help Does the Spirit Give us? (Spiritual Gifts)What Change Does the Spirit Bring About in Us? (Fruits of the Spirit)What Practices Help Us Engage the Spirit? (Spiritual Practices) (possible session led by Nate)How Do we Listen for the Spirit's Leading? (Spiritual Discernment)How Do We Be a Spirit-led People?Cost: In order to cover overhead of Wartburg Theological Seminary we are asking each church to commit $500 to the pilot course so that we can get feedback and continue a great relationship with Wartburg Seminary
Contact: for information or to register.
Weekly messages with ideas for creating a more Environmentally Friendly lifestyle.
TOWARD LIVING A MORE ECO-FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE. Messages provided by Cathy Bowden at University Lutheran. KNOW YOUR DISHWASHER! Switching on a half-full dishwasher wastes water, energy and money like you can't believe! Always fill it to the brim, and learn to use the "delay" feature. A dishwasher that doesn't run until after midnight will rack up some sweet "off-peak energy hours" electricity pricing, saving some cash and helping care for creation by reducing peak hour electricity demands.

Oklahoma City Lutheran Churches Provide New Bedding for Oaks Indian Mission Students
The Oklahoma City Women of the ELCA provided new quilts, and bedding for 40 students and 2 cabin leaders for the Oaks Indian Mission for the beginning of their school year in mid-August. In a combined effort of several churches, 40 oversized twin quilts, 60 twin sheet sets, 2 queen quilts, 2 queen sheet sets, and 44 pillows were collected. Members of Ascension Lutheran delivered the bedding on August 16.
Thanks to:
Ascension Lutheran for many quilts and sheet sets
Covenant Lutheran Oklahoma City Churches for queen sheet sets
Lord of Life Lutheran for sheet sets
Our Lord Lutheran for a quilt and sheet sets
Redeemer Lutheran for sheet sets
Resurrection Lutheran for sheet sets
St. Mark Lutheran for pillows
St. Paul Lutheran for quilts
A special thanks to Sophia Carr of Ascension Lutheran for leading and coordinating this effort.
Portico Benefit Services invites plan members to a Pre-Retirement Seminar in Temple, TX on Tuesday, September 24.
In the morning, learn how to invest for your future in the midst of current financial goals. In the afternoon, discover ways to create a sustainable income in retirement. Join for the morning, afternoon, or both. Lunch is served to all participants between sessions. You can find all the details and register at Please note: Portico must have at least thirty registrants by August 22, or the event may be cancelled. As of today, there are 13 individuals registered. In the event of cancellation, Portico will refund registration fees but cannot reimburse participants for hotel or travel costs.

Finding congregational vitality by focusing on daily life
What does it mean to structure a congregation around equipping the saints for ministry in daily life? Westwood Lutheran Church in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, has done it. An immersion sponsored by the Life of Faith Initiative will provide insight into the rationale for focusing on equipping the saints for ministry in daily life, the challenges that can be expected, and the congregational revitalization that will emerge.
When: 1:00 pm Tuesday, October 8, through lunch on Wednesday. The registration cap is 30 participants, so register early! Cost: $20.
Visit for additional information and registration.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Fayetteville, AR 72703 Has an opening for a Director of Youth and Families. Click HERE for more info.
Pr. Clint Schnekloth Good Shepherd Lutheran - Fayetteville AR 72703 Phone 479-521-2113
The Arkansas-Oklahoma supports and encourages congregations and ministries in our territory and coordinates the work we do together through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. To learn more, please visit our website. Give Online to make a gift to support our ministry. Thank-you.
Some opportunities for giving include: Global Missions - either in support of the Tanzania Medical Mission Team trip in 2019 or the Women of the ELCA trip to Tanzania in 2019; supporting the Lay Evangelists in Tanzania; The Lutheran Church in Great Britain's Campus Ministry at the University of Birmingham; in memory of Emma Ruth Fox designating either the Tanzania Evangelist or the Women of the ELCA.