ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will record a sermon which congregations and synods can include in their worship services on Sunday, June 7, The Holy Trinity. The video will be available to view and download on May 31 at YouTube.com/ELCA and Vimeo.com/ELCA. Bishop Eaton will read the gospel appointed for this day prior to the sermon. Local decisions can be made to use the reading on the video or invite another person to read the gospel instead.
ELCA Worship will provide a resource that includes texts for a Service of the Word, appointed readings, corporate Prayers of Intercession, and hymn and song suggestions. Synods or congregations may adapt and use this resource to produce online worship offerings to surround Bishop Eaton’s sermon. This material will be available on May 26.
ELCA Worship will continue to provide “Worship in the Home” via the ELCA Worship blog (blogs.ELCA.org/Worship) for those who make use of these resources for individual/family home devotions each week. On June 7th, “Worship in the Home” will include a link to watch Bishop Eaton’s sermon as part of these home devotions.
The Service of the Word prepared by Churchwide to accompany Bishop Eaton's sermon for Trinity Sunday, June 7 has been posted on the ELCA website for those who want to use it: