The AR/OK Synod Hunger Team is still seeking information about the many ways the congregations in Arkansas and Oklahoma work to help the hungry in our midst. Your help in getting the information to us would be much appreciated. We hope to have a complete listing to share at the Synod Assembly in May. We can also use this information to help share ideas and sources of funding for your projects. For example, now is the time to consider applying for an ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant. These grants are for up to $30,000 spread over 3 years. They especially look for projects where multiple congregations in an area work together to address hunger and its causes. Check the ELCA site for more information and the application forms, which can be done online. Please send your congregations information to Karen Sterzik at Thank you.
We hope you have reviewed the ELCA World Hunger materials for the upcoming Lenten season. There is a 5 week Lenten Study that might be helpful to use. Also in the planning guide are Valentines that can be ordered (free) to be used as a fund raiser for World Hunger. Check out the packet and order what you think your congregation can use this Lenten season.
The AR/OK Synod Hunger Team would welcome additional members. If someone in your congregation is called to this ministry, please encourage them to contact Bishop Mike and/or Karen Sterzik, so they can be included in our future meetings.